me Diary of an 80's Trucker me

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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bringing you up to speed...

My name is Rick Harper. At the moment I live in Natchitoches, LA, supposedly the oldest town in the Louisiana Purchase (I think); yes, the place where Steel Magnolias was filmed. I've been here for about 6 years now. Enough with that crap, let me tell you the important stuff that is going on, and how God is so evidentally working in my life.

Before a little over a year ago, I was a piece of dirt; in fact, I was more like a piece of used cat litter. I was a God-hater, a life-hater, and a self-hater. I was hopeless, helpless, faithless, and a coward. A hypocrit to say the least. I made some horrible choices, hurting many people around me, risking the loss of my family and everything that I had forgotten that I loved so much. I've struggled with depression my whole life; it was passed down through both sides of my family. During this time, I was THE most depressed I had ever been. I fell and broke through rock-bottom, smashing into the pits of Hell.

However, the Lord used three guys, two of which are my best friends, to drag me out of bed one night, and call me to repentance. I broke. The Lord had brought me to my absolute lowest possible position. Moreover, He held me there until my pitiful fighting ceased, and all I could do was arise a new man; a new creation. The Lord God rained His grace upon me. My eyes opened to the tremendous, awesome grace of our Lord. I was no longer a God-hater, now I was truly a God-lover from the marrow of my bones to my outer skin. I was filled with the Spirit and the love of God. I had new zeal. The Cross of Christ was suddenly my all. It consumed my thoughts, and sprang forth my actions. This, only God can do. The grace of God is too amazing for words. It brought a lowly, wretched piece of dirt like me and completely rearranged my inner and outer beings. Christ is all and God is love.

I still consider myself a piece of dirt, but now I'm a piece of dirt loved by my Father in Heaven. I have meaning and purpose. I know my duty at my home, at work, at Wal-Mart, in the car, wherever I may be. I am to bring glory to God in everything I do. I am to love and lead my wife as Christ loves and leads His bride. I am to love and lead my children in the grace and discipline of the Lord.

Lord willing, in a month I will be in Dallas, TX, working at a Church in Mesquite, TX, while going to school on Mondays and Tuesdays in Austin, TX, at Austin Graduate School of Theology. Praise God for what He has done in my life. Praise God!

Hear some of the amazing things God has done recently:
After deciding to go into the ministry, I planned to go to a little school in Dallas, TX, called the Center for Christian Education. I got accepted, then the Lord provided a place for me to intern at a Church in Mesquite, TX. They agreed to provide us with $1000/month, which is a little less than half of what we were planning to raise. I put in my notice to work months early, so I could train the person who would be replacing me. I put my house for sale; we put up signs and listed it in the paper. It wasn't long before I got a call from the president of the school regretting to inform me that this 40 year school around which I had centered my plans would be closing on June 30, 2005.

Of course, my jaw hit the floor. The shock of this news was like a bolt of lightning coming down upon my head. "What am I going to do? I've basically quit my job!" Oh the lack of faith! Of course my God would provide. The Church at which I will work worked fast and diligently on other options that would allow for me to attend school at still work at this amazing Church. The recommendation was one that my former preacher and current friend who is now in Oaxaca, Mexico, also recommended: Austin Graduate School of Theology. Done. I will go to Austin on Monday morning for classes, spend the night, go to class on Tuesday, and go home to Dallas. I got accepted, and around the same time I received a scholarship from the Tulsa Christian Foundation for $500/month. The Lord once again placed a piece in the puzzle called life. My current preacher and friend was accepted for a preaching position in Taylor, TX. His home is about 26 miles from Austin Grad. There's my place to stay, and we remain in close contact.

The latest curve ball, then I'll stop writing:
I was asked by the elder at the Church at which I will work to come up with the cost difference between what it would have cost to go to the Center (the school that closed), and what it will cost for me to go to Austin Grad (including gas for the 3 hour drive, meals, tuition, etc.). The bottom amount blew my mind: $11,850/year. Wow! "There's no way!" What little faith! My faith was a little stronger, I knew God would provide and show me where to go and what to do; however, I was relying on myself to make this decision that God had already made for me. I thought about dropping everything, all the hard work in Mesquite, and getting a job in Austin. I tried to contact someone at Austin Grad to ask about a possible position for me. He was out of the office 2 days straight. The third day, the day he would be returning, I got an email from one of the elders at the Church saying that the Center has decided to give the current students and the students who were enrolled $12,000 a piece! Praise God!!! God is so amazing! Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. The Lord has provided just enough to cover my first year. He has pieced the puzzle together for me much greater than I could have planned or imagined it. Praise God! God is good!

August 12, my family and I will make the big move to Dallas, TX. Pray for us. We need your prayers. Pray that God will use me to further His Kingdom. I love my God, and I want to serve Him with every second of my entire life. Praise God Most High!


  • At 9:29 PM, Blogger Rick Harper said…

    "I Strive to Drive!" hahahahaha!
    Bro, that was a funny & fun night!

    Praise God for His grace, mercy, and love. Without it, we'd be a couple of lost, dead, hopeless 80's truckers & astronauts! (Not that 80's truckers & astronauts aren't saved, we'd just be lost ones)

  • At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Rick, thanks for your candor. I find myself increasingly grateful to know that God provides us with spirits of brokenness as well as His own spirit of patience, which in effect is our salvation. I'm also glad your family is in Dallas. So many times God leads us to places we never would have imagined going, or sometimes would never have wanted to go. You may (or may not) find a short story I wrote about my time in Indonesia with David Buskirk encouraging. If you wish to read it it is entitled, "The Last Missionary" and can be found on my blog at
    I hear gracious things about you and am encouraged by your transformed heart. Continue to let the Lord carry you through new thresholds and surprise you by His many graces.



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