me Diary of an 80's Trucker me

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

being shaped

They've carved me out of what once was before me. So I'm thankful for them all. Lives, deaths, screams, guns, rocks, grass, crystals, cops, acids, the letter x, wrecks, threats, promises, d, lies, truths, and all others. One by one, day by day, night by night, they placed in me grain by grain the pieces of sand that build the hill, slowly forming into a castle. Love, births, life and life, love, joy, peace, suffering, friends, love, joy, and peace, are used to sustain the building process.

Regrets don't exist. They've all shaped me; how could I regret any of them.

Psalm 139:16 "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them."

To regret, well, that would be to doubt God.

I thank God for every day of my life. He has placed every one of my days before me. He is shaping me, and these are His tools.


  • At 12:47 PM, Blogger jomato said…

    To regret, well, that would be to doubt God.

    can i quote you on that? it's a big time thought.

  • At 12:44 PM, Blogger Rick Harper said…

    Marq, when the book comes out, feel free to quote me. haha, just kiddin.

    Mama Kat, thanks, can't wait for ya'll to come up. We're really looking forward to it!

    Staci, you'll like blogger, it's awesome, free, and you can customize it. let me know if you need help.

  • At 5:00 PM, Blogger JavaMama said…

    Hey, that is an awesome post. I enjoy listening to your heart speak through your poetics words.

    It is a secret that needs to be unleashed, that the good the bad and even the ugly experiences we go through in our lives have a purpose. When you view life in this way you can never truly have regrets as you say. That would not only be doubting Him but also denying who He is.

    I love you. me.

  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger Rick Harper said…

    talking heads? huh? Are you talking about my ringer? Did you call me?

    Your picture rawks! haha! that's hilarious!


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