me Diary of an 80's Trucker me

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Saturday, January 28, 2006

pure motive

i have found it necessary to ask myself a few questions when i seem to be doing well in my Christian journey. why am i winning? why am i defeating the temptations that usually conquer? what am i doing to conquer what are so often the conquerers?

i want my answers to be only one: because i love the LORD, my God, who has saved me.

i should be conquering not out of fear, not to dodge the guilt accompanied by sin, not to avoid the curses brought about by disobedience, but i should conquer because i have been conquered. i conquer because of love.

my victories should be preceded by, accompanied by, and resulting in unceasing prayer and praise and thanksgiving.

help me O God to love and serve you with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

It's a little ironic that I posted a short post called "Still Alive" and the very next post I am expecting my Grandpa's death. It goes to show you that "Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."" James 4:15.

I traveled to Logansport on Wednesday of last week. I couldn't believe how fast he had gone down. I immediately went to his side and began praying out loud with him. He made a few struggling sounds in an attempt to respond to my praying. I talked to him about the grace of God, how sufficient it was, how we've been lavished in it by our LORD, and how he would soon hear the words similarly heard by the thief on the cross.

Thursday came and went. He was much worse on Thursday than Wednesday. His breathing changed, and the prayers became a plea for the end.

Friday, my Grandma, my Mom, and I continued to take care of my Grandpa. I was supposed to drive back to Dallas and pick up my family, but I had a strong feeling that today was the day. So I stayed. At 3:30 PM Pa was welcomed into Heaven as we held his hand here on earth. He began to breath his last struggled breaths, and my Mom broke down and we prayed for God to take him. He did.

His funeral was Sunday. It was a nice funeral. He's in paradise, yet we mourn selfishly knowing we will not see him in this life again. But we are assured that we will see him again after this life. That's why we celebrate.

Praise God.

Luke 23:43 And he said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

Monday, January 16, 2006

Prayer request...

We will be traveling to Louisiana tomorrow as my grandpa, my mom's father, is not expected to live more than 2 days. Pray for comfort for my grandma and mom. Pray for a safe trip for everyone who will be traveling to Logansport, LA.

thank you

grace, mercy, & peace

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Still Alive

I'm still alive; just been busy. I'll post something soon! Check back.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Since our last forum, Freedom in Christ, disappeared unexpectedly, Kelli has created a new one. I miss the discussions we used to have. Go join!
Click here for" If you link to the forum, you must include the slash on the end of the address.


Happy New Year everyone! May God bless you and lavish His amazing grace upon you in 2006.

Praise God