me Diary of an 80's Trucker me

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Friday, April 07, 2006


Whoever it was, thanks for praying, it worked. I got some substantial work done today on my exegesis.

It has been a weird and trying day.

First, I looked at some mail and it said we owe a bunch of money on our car insurance. That's not what the commercial advertised! (explained below)

Second, I realized that today was the 6th, and the rent was supposed to be paid no later than the 3rd! I can't believe I did that - actually I can.

Third, I got a call from a friend that works for our apartment company, but at different grounds, and he said, "Dude, I just saw your car being towed down the road!" I accused him a few times of joking around, but I quickly knew he was serious. Let me explain: apparently, a notice was put on everyone's door to get a new parking sticker last month. Well, restaurants and health clubs stick stuff on our door every single day, so we turned those into "Eli's mail". Not knowing that the apartment complex used the junk mail system of sticking things on the door, we told Eli he could have the mail on the door everyday. We never even look at it most of the time. So, I'm guessing I never saw the notice. From now on, I'll have to check Eli's mail after he gets it off the door.

I was pretty hacked off at first, but while waiting for my car to get towed back, I read a little bit of "God in the Dark" by Os Guinness. It was exactly what I needed to hear. On page 61 in the section titled "Faulty Picture of God", Guinness said, "To believe in God is to 'let God be God'...In trusting God, we are living out our assumptions, putting them into practice all that we say he is in theory so that who God is and what he has done can make the difference in every part of our lives...This means that the accuracy of our pictures of God is not tested by our orthodoxy or our testimonies but by the truths we count on in real life. It is demonstrated when the heat is on, the chips are down, and reality seems to be breathing down our necks." I stopped there as my car arrived.

So, I had to pay a good bit of money to get my car back, and a good bit of money for the late fee for missed rent. In the meantime, I had a dentist appointment that it took me like a year to make; I missed it. I had to call them, and embarrassingly admit that my car was towed. It's rescheduled.

Then, my exegesis was driving me crazy. I was having to read off the wall commentaries, among other things. Thoughts were creeping in and out of my head about my study. But, then I blogged, and someone must have listened and prayed, and things got a lot better. Also, I misread the Geico bill, and we don't owe a lot of money on our car insurance. The commercial's claims still hold true!

At 6:00 we went to the Swenson's to eat. They had us and some of their neighbors over. It was a fun time. Allen played his new song that he wrote; it was absolutely amazing.

Gotta hit the bed; it's late.
Thank God for working in me, both to will and to work for His good pleasure; otherwise, I would be dead in my trespasses and sins! In other words, I'd be toast!
God bless!

Grace and peace,


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