me Diary of an 80's Trucker me

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Friday, March 17, 2006


Taking the advice of a friend, I got up yesterday and went for a walk at White Rock Lake. I walked and read from my pocket ESV. I'll post some thoughts on my reading later. But for now, I just wanted to update on my feeling of leprosy-like isolation.
After walking, reading, thinking, and silently talking at the lake, I came home and gathered up the family and headed out for a picnic. This was the beginning of an amazing day. We came home, and I studied for a while. After studying, we all played so hard. I was Doc Oc and Eli was Spiderman. Kai was Spiderman as well, since he usually does what his big brother does - haha! When Doc Oc would grab the two Spidermen, the Spidermen's mom would rush in and rescue them. The boys loved it. It was much needed time for all of us.

Thank God for my awesome wife! Last night we spent great time in worship; singing, reading Scripture, and praying together. It was amazing, and again, much needed. Things are getting back to normal, or what we consider normal, what most people would consider very unnormal - haha!

Speaking of normal, this morning I feel normal again! I will gather all of my books in a moment, and head off to the coffee shop to study. Then, after Kelli returns from a Bible study with friends, we will make it a point to have another great evening together.

more later...gotta get started on the day...

Praise God!


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