me Diary of an 80's Trucker me

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005


By unpopular demand, here is my next blog!

I’ve been a grocery bagger, a waiter, a salesman, a programmer, a network admin, a few other things, and now an IT Manager, but the thing that I’m best at by far is driving nails. Yeah, nail-driving is what I do best. I mean, it ought to be; I must drive 106,271 nails a day! When someone drives that many nails a day, they’ve got to become an expert at the trade in no time. That’s what I’ve done. I can say that I am for sure an expert nail-driver.

I am a Roman soldier. And still, Jesus Christ says to the Father about me, “Forgive Him, Father. Rick does not know what he is doing.”

If I held you down, and took your hand and hammered a nail in it, how would you feel toward me? On top of that, now add about 106,271 more nails everyday. You’d hate me. You’d wish that I would burn in Hell. Not Jesus. He loves me even so. I drive nails in His precious hands and feet everyday, and still His amazing grace is sufficient for me. I hate being a Roman soldier. I wish I was a Peter or Paul. However, Peter and Paul drove their portion of nails as well. So we’re all nail-drivers.

I wonder if our arms will ever get tired of swinging a hammer. I wonder if we’ll ever run out of nails. All I know is, I love Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with all my heart and want to serve Him every second of my life. Maybe if I can just throw one nail a day away then maybe I can give Christ one more of those seconds of my life a day.

I don’t want to be a nail-driver. I want to be a cross-bearer. I want to be a Jesus lover; a Jesus freak. I want the world to stop cheering me on while I hammer away and start hating me because I throw the nails and hammer on the ground and begin begging them to love the man we crucify.

Everyday, by the Holy Spirit’s power, I think I drive a few less nails. Praise God for that! My sin is great, but His grace is greater! Praise God in Heaven! Praise God for lifting me up, for calling me out of my tomb, and for making me alive. Praise God alone for saving me. Even while I was lost in my nail-driving trade, He lifted me up and made me alive. Praise Him!


  • At 3:07 PM, Blogger Rick Harper said…

    If he died for every human being, Christian or not, then every human being has nothing to worry about, there's no Hell. But of course you know I stand with the big L in the flower.

    Awesome idea, the blog for struggles. I've started a more personal blog page myself. I write about my feelings, emotions, struggles, and so forth. I don't give out the link freely, but I'll give you a hint: You can get to it from my 80's trucker page. Happy hunting, haha! Look to the stars that fall to the ground young man, you'll find your way. ;-)

  • At 10:35 PM, Blogger JavaMama said…

    He He I found it! You think you are so slick don't ya. Anyway, I just wanted to say that your post was awesome sweety! I enjoyed reading your very poetic and deep thoughts on sin and the grace of God emensly (is that how you spell that?) It is amazing that He can forgive me over and over, and to think that he still loves me. I know that for me which I am not comparing myself to him just stating how hard forgiveness is for me, it is hard to forgive someone just one time after that it is like didn't you learn the first time you idiot! Ha, you know what I am talking about huh? He he he anyway way to express yourself......keep them coming.
    Your wifey


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