me Diary of an 80's Trucker me

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005


By unpopular demand, here is my next blog!

I’ve been a grocery bagger, a waiter, a salesman, a programmer, a network admin, a few other things, and now an IT Manager, but the thing that I’m best at by far is driving nails. Yeah, nail-driving is what I do best. I mean, it ought to be; I must drive 106,271 nails a day! When someone drives that many nails a day, they’ve got to become an expert at the trade in no time. That’s what I’ve done. I can say that I am for sure an expert nail-driver.

I am a Roman soldier. And still, Jesus Christ says to the Father about me, “Forgive Him, Father. Rick does not know what he is doing.”

If I held you down, and took your hand and hammered a nail in it, how would you feel toward me? On top of that, now add about 106,271 more nails everyday. You’d hate me. You’d wish that I would burn in Hell. Not Jesus. He loves me even so. I drive nails in His precious hands and feet everyday, and still His amazing grace is sufficient for me. I hate being a Roman soldier. I wish I was a Peter or Paul. However, Peter and Paul drove their portion of nails as well. So we’re all nail-drivers.

I wonder if our arms will ever get tired of swinging a hammer. I wonder if we’ll ever run out of nails. All I know is, I love Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with all my heart and want to serve Him every second of my life. Maybe if I can just throw one nail a day away then maybe I can give Christ one more of those seconds of my life a day.

I don’t want to be a nail-driver. I want to be a cross-bearer. I want to be a Jesus lover; a Jesus freak. I want the world to stop cheering me on while I hammer away and start hating me because I throw the nails and hammer on the ground and begin begging them to love the man we crucify.

Everyday, by the Holy Spirit’s power, I think I drive a few less nails. Praise God for that! My sin is great, but His grace is greater! Praise God in Heaven! Praise God for lifting me up, for calling me out of my tomb, and for making me alive. Praise God alone for saving me. Even while I was lost in my nail-driving trade, He lifted me up and made me alive. Praise Him!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Green Tea

Not only am I a coffee addict, I also crave a cup of green tea regularly. Why am I drawn into desire for drink? I have cravings for Coke, wine, beer, especially coffee, and green tea. What is it that creates these cravings? Not only for myself, but others around me.

The ancient monks, as well as the modern, chant and meditate for hours upon hours in mountaintops in hopes to reach a state of enlightenment that would bring themselves into a spiritual balance beyond anything imaginable. They are known to break from their chanting and meditation for a cup of green tea. Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers is "closest to Buddhism" than anything else. He regularly relaxes in meditation while drinking green tea. C.S Lewis, a Christian, would meet with others in a pub over a pitcher of beer and discuss the deeper things of God.

What is it with "thinkers" and drinkers? Do we get some kind of spiritually enlightened feeling that makes us feel a little more, well, "enlightened" when we drink certain drinks? I am a Chili Peppers fan, but I (a Christian; a believer in the one and only Son of God, Jesus Christ) began drinking green tea way before I knew that Anthony did the same. I'm sure C.S Lewis drank beer not because someone else he admired drank beer, but for some other reason/s. The monks have been drinking green tea for centuries.

I find it interesting that we, ones who desire a deeper understanding of life or God, tend to draw near to such habits that involve somewhat exotic liquid. Check the regulars at the local coffee shop; the group will include, but isn't limited to, thinking Christians and theologians, atheists digging for meaning in life, philosophers, poets, writers, readers, etc. You will rarely find a "normal", haha!, person in a coffee shop. Maybe that's it! For years people of the sort have been drinking these drinks and meeting in such places. Maybe we don't go to the coffee shop because we feel like it's the "thinking thing to do", but maybe we unconsciously know that it's the "thinking thing to do". Maybe while drinking these drinks, we unconsciously feel a little more intelligent; or like we are in the presence or same standing as histories great "thinkers". ;-)

Until next time, cheers!

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Coffee Shop

Coffee Shops are a gift from God! I love them, and I love the coffee that they serve. I also love the conversation that is brought about in this magical place we call, The Coffee Shop.

This evening at 6:30PM, I met with one of the elders of our Church, Joel Worley, at PJ's Coffee House. What an amazing time! We talked for 2&1/2 hours straight with no wierd moments of silence. What I discovered was amazing. The stories that Joel told that I had never in the 6 years in Natchitoches heard before were touching and enlightening. It's a tragedy that I am leaving Natchitoches in 1 month exactly, and I am just discovering what I could learn from this man. He is such a gentle, kind, loving, Godly man. I see the love for God and God's people in his face when he talks. We are meeting again next Monday evening. I thank God for the time we had tonight. I can't wait for our next meeting.

I've had many conversations in PJ's. Jason Hughes and I have probably spent hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars at this place. A couple of years ago our conversations were full of doubt, searching for ways to disprove the Bible. Now, we are praying and discussing theological issues that I had no idea even existed a couple of years ago. Now we are praising God and striving to glorify Him in our study and coffee conversation. We've gone from finding numbers that don't match up, to counting the infinite number of the ways we can serve Him. Praise God! And thank God for coffee and the houses that serve it.

Maybe one day, a latte won't cost a LOT-te.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bringing you up to speed...

My name is Rick Harper. At the moment I live in Natchitoches, LA, supposedly the oldest town in the Louisiana Purchase (I think); yes, the place where Steel Magnolias was filmed. I've been here for about 6 years now. Enough with that crap, let me tell you the important stuff that is going on, and how God is so evidentally working in my life.

Before a little over a year ago, I was a piece of dirt; in fact, I was more like a piece of used cat litter. I was a God-hater, a life-hater, and a self-hater. I was hopeless, helpless, faithless, and a coward. A hypocrit to say the least. I made some horrible choices, hurting many people around me, risking the loss of my family and everything that I had forgotten that I loved so much. I've struggled with depression my whole life; it was passed down through both sides of my family. During this time, I was THE most depressed I had ever been. I fell and broke through rock-bottom, smashing into the pits of Hell.

However, the Lord used three guys, two of which are my best friends, to drag me out of bed one night, and call me to repentance. I broke. The Lord had brought me to my absolute lowest possible position. Moreover, He held me there until my pitiful fighting ceased, and all I could do was arise a new man; a new creation. The Lord God rained His grace upon me. My eyes opened to the tremendous, awesome grace of our Lord. I was no longer a God-hater, now I was truly a God-lover from the marrow of my bones to my outer skin. I was filled with the Spirit and the love of God. I had new zeal. The Cross of Christ was suddenly my all. It consumed my thoughts, and sprang forth my actions. This, only God can do. The grace of God is too amazing for words. It brought a lowly, wretched piece of dirt like me and completely rearranged my inner and outer beings. Christ is all and God is love.

I still consider myself a piece of dirt, but now I'm a piece of dirt loved by my Father in Heaven. I have meaning and purpose. I know my duty at my home, at work, at Wal-Mart, in the car, wherever I may be. I am to bring glory to God in everything I do. I am to love and lead my wife as Christ loves and leads His bride. I am to love and lead my children in the grace and discipline of the Lord.

Lord willing, in a month I will be in Dallas, TX, working at a Church in Mesquite, TX, while going to school on Mondays and Tuesdays in Austin, TX, at Austin Graduate School of Theology. Praise God for what He has done in my life. Praise God!

Hear some of the amazing things God has done recently:
After deciding to go into the ministry, I planned to go to a little school in Dallas, TX, called the Center for Christian Education. I got accepted, then the Lord provided a place for me to intern at a Church in Mesquite, TX. They agreed to provide us with $1000/month, which is a little less than half of what we were planning to raise. I put in my notice to work months early, so I could train the person who would be replacing me. I put my house for sale; we put up signs and listed it in the paper. It wasn't long before I got a call from the president of the school regretting to inform me that this 40 year school around which I had centered my plans would be closing on June 30, 2005.

Of course, my jaw hit the floor. The shock of this news was like a bolt of lightning coming down upon my head. "What am I going to do? I've basically quit my job!" Oh the lack of faith! Of course my God would provide. The Church at which I will work worked fast and diligently on other options that would allow for me to attend school at still work at this amazing Church. The recommendation was one that my former preacher and current friend who is now in Oaxaca, Mexico, also recommended: Austin Graduate School of Theology. Done. I will go to Austin on Monday morning for classes, spend the night, go to class on Tuesday, and go home to Dallas. I got accepted, and around the same time I received a scholarship from the Tulsa Christian Foundation for $500/month. The Lord once again placed a piece in the puzzle called life. My current preacher and friend was accepted for a preaching position in Taylor, TX. His home is about 26 miles from Austin Grad. There's my place to stay, and we remain in close contact.

The latest curve ball, then I'll stop writing:
I was asked by the elder at the Church at which I will work to come up with the cost difference between what it would have cost to go to the Center (the school that closed), and what it will cost for me to go to Austin Grad (including gas for the 3 hour drive, meals, tuition, etc.). The bottom amount blew my mind: $11,850/year. Wow! "There's no way!" What little faith! My faith was a little stronger, I knew God would provide and show me where to go and what to do; however, I was relying on myself to make this decision that God had already made for me. I thought about dropping everything, all the hard work in Mesquite, and getting a job in Austin. I tried to contact someone at Austin Grad to ask about a possible position for me. He was out of the office 2 days straight. The third day, the day he would be returning, I got an email from one of the elders at the Church saying that the Center has decided to give the current students and the students who were enrolled $12,000 a piece! Praise God!!! God is so amazing! Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. The Lord has provided just enough to cover my first year. He has pieced the puzzle together for me much greater than I could have planned or imagined it. Praise God! God is good!

August 12, my family and I will make the big move to Dallas, TX. Pray for us. We need your prayers. Pray that God will use me to further His Kingdom. I love my God, and I want to serve Him with every second of my entire life. Praise God Most High!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play Weezer - Freak Me Out (sounds horrible, it was over the phone)

To explain the title of my blogspot, this is me Halloween 2003. I was an 80's trucker. Theme music: "Convoy" by C.W. McCall